Joanne Sapers, Life Coach
Helping You Love Yourself Even More, as You Create the Life You Have Always Wanted!
Get to Know Joanne

Hello and Blessings to You!
It's an honor to meet you. Thank you for stopping by.
Here's a little bit about me,
why love is so important to me
and especially why I love helping anyone that wants some support around guidance around making healthy love choices.
Where I was and where I am now. Thank you, God! I AM so Grateful!
You may be asking why I am so grateful now. The reason is this. I live in the present, not the past. The past has been a gift to me, to help me get to where I am today. I'm sharing my past with you because it may explain why I am so deeply passionate about life today for me and you.
-Born in Newton, Massachusetts
-Raised in a loving family with a mom, dad, 2 sisters, and a brother. At this point, Mom is 93 years old and Dad transitioned at 99 years old.
-Physically and sexually abused by my grandmother's maid from birth until I was 10 years old, which is when she passed away. (this was hidden from everyone, including my mind)
I always expected to see the good in people, and I still believe that the good is what's real!
-Married a total of 4 times
-In between marriages 2 and 3, I had a life-changing event.
-Now I am with my loving partner, my sweetheart Dave. We have been together in bliss for our 12th year.
I saw the Divine Infinite light and continue to see this Divine Infinite Presence in and as everyone and everything.
I love doing deep Spiritual work with my clients, supporting them as they release, and move forward into their Vision. Yes, we have a lot of fun and laughs, too. I help my clients feel ever-so-safe in my gentle, soft way to express their fears, concerns, and their true wishes, dreams, and desires.
Here is the gift where I want to start the story.
I saw the white light had left my body completely and I was told it's not my time, that I have a service to do.
I was almost 40 years old at that time.
Fast forward to today:

My Beloved and I will be starting our 9th year together in July 2021.
Every day and every night I thank the Universe for bringing us together.
I not only love him, I like him and love being with him and having him in my life. I love Love and believe that anyone that is looking for their right Partner deserves to find and be with him.
My number one priority relationship is the one I have with God, Spirit, Nature, Goddess, Universe, whatever name I choose to call it. This Love relationship with God is my Truth and All Love. From here I get to celebrate who each one is. Anyone that knows me will say, "Joanne loves Love!" And that, my friend, is who I am. I love to see and know the good in all, as the Divine Source expressing Its Magnificence. It is pure joy for me to guide and support my clients open their hearts to welcome their ideal love partner in their lives. I fill my life up with God, healthy loving relationships, family, friends, colleagues, and clients.